Sunday, 15 September 2013

User Profile

To the average eye, Kayla appears to be a loudmouthed hippy with a knack for procrastination. But there is more to this story than soy products and disappointing grades. Kayla spends her days combatting the ideals of her small redneck town, and she will not be fulfilled until she has achieved change. It will be, as Martin Luther King Jr. proclaimed, "a joyous daybreak to end the long night". Kayla admires his tribulations and triumphs that elected him one of the greatest human rights activists in history. She is also a connoisseur of LP's, and Kayla's musical interests reflect that of someone from another era. The Beatles, Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd reign supreme on her playlists. George Harrison represents the musician she strives to one day become. Maintaining a solid relationship with her brother David is Kayla's top priority as family is extremely important to her. She hopes to emulate her many grandparents in how close their family bonds were, or continue to be. Going hand in hand with that is the importance of knowing of what is morally proper. Kayla's father has instilled in her good values that always come into play when making important decisions, and she relies on these teachings in times of strife. The last of her more redeemable qualities, is how Kayla can make light of a dark situation. She feels this is represented by rapper K'naan, because though the tribulations they experienced were polar opposites, the same end result was bred from struggle. Kayla is a guitar playing, tie-dye wearing, extravert who "takes inspiration from the most heinous of situations, creating medication out of (her) own tribulations", and she is just beginning to make her mark on the world.